COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION (CIC)Community Improvement Corporations (CICs) are not-for-profit corporations organized under ORC Chapter 1724 for the purpose of “advancing, encouraging, and promoting the industrial, economic, commercial, and civic development of a community or area”.
A CIC can do many things to compliment the City’s efforts since it has more flexibility, fewer restrictions, and can act in a quicker manner. The Willard CIC has obtained 501-c-3 designation from the Internal Revenue Service. The Willard Community Improvement Corporation is governed by the Board of Directors. The Code of Regulations defines the Board as consisting of seven (7) or more members as shall be fixed by the members from time to time. Committee members do not have to be board members which increases community involvement. In accordance with Chapter 1724 of the Ohio Revised Code, not less than two-fifths (2/5s) of the governing board shall be composed of appointed or elected officials of the City of Willard. The Willard Community Improvement Corporation will hold its Annual Meeting on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 3:15 PM in Council Chambers. A regular meeting will immediately follow.
July 18, 2022 September 8, 2022 November 2, 2022 January 12, 2023 Annual Meeting January 12, 2023 Regular Meeting March 16, 2023 Regular Meeting June 16, 2023 Regular Meeting September 21, 2023 Regular Meeting CIC MEETING MINUTES July 18, 2022 September 8, 2022 November 2, 2022 January 12, 2023 Annual Meeting January 12, 2023 Regular Meeting March 16,, 2023 Regular Meeting June 15, 2023 Regular Meeting September 21, 2023 Regular Meeting CODE OF REGULATIONS CIC ANNUAL REPORT 2022 |
Click on board member name to link to email.
Joe Daniel - President (Term expires July 2025)
Jack Kousma - Vice President (Term expires July 2024)
Lori Huff - Secretary (Term expires July 2024)
Lori Huff - Treasurer (Term expires July 2024)
Ricky Branham - Director (Term expires July 2026)
Courtney Carnahan - Director (Term expires July 2025)
Bryson Hamons - Director (Term expires July 2025)
Jacob McKenzie - Director (Term expires July 2026)
James Pomerich - Director (Term expires July 2024)
Diana Speller - Director (Term expires July 2026)
Jack Kousma - Vice President (Term expires July 2024)
Lori Huff - Secretary (Term expires July 2024)
Lori Huff - Treasurer (Term expires July 2024)
Ricky Branham - Director (Term expires July 2026)
Courtney Carnahan - Director (Term expires July 2025)
Bryson Hamons - Director (Term expires July 2025)
Jacob McKenzie - Director (Term expires July 2026)
James Pomerich - Director (Term expires July 2024)
Diana Speller - Director (Term expires July 2026)
ANEW (Active Neighbors Enhancing Willard) is a Committee of the Willard CIC. Formed in 2021, ANEW hosted the Willard Fall Fest. In 2022, ANEW planned the Downtown Springfest in May and Goods in the Woods in October. The Willard Dog Park is ANEW's first project. Proceeds from Goods in Woods 2022 were dedicated to the dog park project. ANEW events planned for 2023 include the Springfest on May 20 and Goods in the Woods on October 21 & 22. Proceeds from these two events will also go to the dog park project.
If you would like additional information on ANEW or would like to join the Committee to enhance Willard, please contact Kim Williams at 419-935-1654 or [email protected]
If you would like additional information on ANEW or would like to join the Committee to enhance Willard, please contact Kim Williams at 419-935-1654 or [email protected]
The Willard CIC is partnering with the Willard High School Community Honor Committee to create a Veterans Memorial to honor our veterans. We are seeking additional committee members to help fund and create this memorial to recognize our community's brave and selfless veterans. Anyone interested in being involved in this project should contact Bryson Hamons at 419-933-2591 or [email protected]
Willard Gateway Signage Committee
Gateway signage has been a topic of conversation at every CIC Board meeting since its organizational meeting on July 18, 2022. It is apparent that this project has generated a lot of conversation and interest with community members and organizations. At the March 16, 2023 CIC Board meeting, the Board decided to form the Gateway Signage Committee to provide the opportunity for interested parties to become involved in the project. If you would like to serve on this Committee, please contact Bryson Hamons at 419-933-2591 or [email protected]