P O Box 367 631 S Myrtle Ave Willard, OH 44890 Phone: 419-933-2581 Fax: 419-933-4545 Email: [email protected] |
COUNCIL MEETINGSCouncil meetings are held the first and third Mondays of the month. They begin at 7:00 pm. These are open meetings to attend.
September 2024-
Resolution 2606-24: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to enter into agreement with Horton Emergency Services, for the purchase of a new ambulance and to utilize funds in the amount of $192,646.15 received from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) towards the purchase Resolution 2605-24: A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor Resolution 2604-24: A Resolution authorizing the City of Willard to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission state capital improvement and/or local transportation improvement program(s) and to execute contracts required Ordinance 2981-24: An Ordinance amending section 672.12 (f) of Chapter 672 of the codified ordinances to provide for clarification and the continued prohibition on the discharge, ignition, or explosion of fireworks in the City of Willard August 2024- Ordinance 5980-24: An Ordinance to increase the salary of Bryson Hamons as City Manager for the City of Willard July 2024- Ordinance 5979-24: An Ordinance to increase the 2024 annual revenue and appropriations in Fund 211 Police Income Tax, Fund 812 Insurance Reimbursement, and Fund 817 Centennial/Sesquicentennial for fiscal year ending December 31, 2024 Ordinance 5978-24: An Ordinance prohibiting cultivators, processors, or retail dispensaries of marijuana within the City of Willard Ordinance 5977-24: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract with North Bay Construction, Inc., to award bid no. 24-05 for the water pollution control plant generator replacement project in the amount of $184,288.00 June 2024- Resolution 2603-24: A Resolution to establish a Self Insurance Fund 701 May 2024- Ordinance 5976-24 : An Ordinance to amend chapter 923 of the codified Ordinances of the City of Willard, Ohio relating to sewer use regulations and the pretreatment program. Ordinance No. 5975-24: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract with Sarver Paving Co., Ashland, Ohio, to award bid No. 2024-04 for the 2024 Street Improvement OPWC project, in the amount of $439,198.80 ($426,404.00+$12,794.80) Resolution No. 2601-24: A resolution in the matter of the expenditure of a portion of the monies received from the proceed of the settlement from the nationwide opioid litigation in accordance with the purposes outlined in the One Ohio Memorandum of Understanding to provide funding for a mobile crisis response team for Huron County, Ohio Resolution No. 2602-24: A Resolution determining emergency management service for the City Of Willard April 2024- Resolution No. 2593-24: A resolution to tentatively award the US 224 water tower rehabilitation and coating project to American Suncraft Co., Inc. Medway, Ohio. Resolution No. 2594-24: A resolution establishing the dollar threshold of a blanket certification for the City of Willard, Ohio. Resolution No. 2595-24: A resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit an application with the Ohio Department of Transportation, Office of Aviation for grant funds at the Willard Airport -8G1 and authorizing the acceptance of the grant in the event the same is awarded to the city for SFY 2025. Resolution No. 2596-24: A resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise bids for the water pollution control plant generator replacement project. Resolution No. 2597-24: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a capital improvement, park playground improvements, recreation/conservation project pass through grant agreement with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Resolution No. 2598-24: A resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a capital improvement, splash pad, recreation/conservation project pass through grant agreement with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Resolution No. 2599-24: A resolution authorizing continued deposits with Sutton Bank. Resolution No. 2600-24: A resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement to participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation's annual winter road salt bid. Ordinance No. 5970-24: An ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the codified ordinance's; providing for the adoption of new matter in the updated and revised codified ordinances; providing for the publication of such new matter; and repealing ordinances and resolutions in conflict therewith. Ordinance No. 5972-24: An ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract with American Suncraft Co., Inc., Medway, Ohio, to award bid no. 2024-03 for the US 224 water tower rehabilitation and coating project in the amount of $497,000 and declaring an emergency Ordinance No. 5973-24: An ordinance authorizing the finance director to advance $58,800 from fund 301 Income Tax Capital Fund to the Recreation Fund 208 for the purchase of playground equipment and declaring an emergency. Ordinance No. 5974-24: An Ordinance authorizing the finance director to advance $50,000 from fund 301 Income Tax Capital Fund to the Recreation Fund 208 for the purchase of splash pad equipment and declaring an emergency. March 2024- Ordinance No. 5967-24: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into a lease agreement to lease approximately 16 acres of land owned by the City of Willard to Latteman Farms LLC, Nowalk, Oh for a term of one year with renewal options. Ordinance No. 5968-24: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into a lease agreement to lease approximately 11.6 acres of land owned by the City of Willard to Andrew Daniel, Willard, Oh for a term of three years with renewal options. Ordinance No. 5969-24: An Ordinance appointing Rebecca Wyandt as Council Clerk of the City of Willard, and declaring and emergency. Ordinance No. 5971-24: An ordinance authorizing the Finance Director to advance $500,000 from fund 603 water fund to the Ohio Department of Development and Infrastructure Grant Water Systems Improvements Fund 608. February 2024- Ordinance No. 5964-24: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract with Mosser Construction, Inc., Fremont, Ohio, to award bid for the Water System Improvement Project in the amount of $10,077,000 and declaring an emergency. Ordinance No. 5965-24: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with Prime A/E Group, Inc. for construction management and construction services for the Water System Improvement Project in the amount of $675,507 and declaring an emergency. Ordinance No. 5966-24: An Ordinance fixing the wages of certain police personnel and declaring an emergency. Resolution No. 2590-24: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the lease of certain real estate belonging to the City of Willard (Gahr Farm) and consisting of 16 acres known as Parcel 51-0030-01-004-0000 and Parcel 51-0030-01-004-0100. Resolution No. 2591-24: A resolution authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the lease of certain real estate belonging to the City of Willard (Airport) and consisting of 11.6 acres known as Parcel 51-035A-05-019-0100 and Parcel 51-035A-05-035-0100. Resolution No.2592-24: A resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract with the Fraternal Order of Police, Ohio Labor Council, Inc. January 2024- Ordinance No. 5960-24: An Ordinance fixing the wages of Recreation Department Employees Ordinance No. 5961-24: An Ordinance fixing the wages of certain City Department Heads and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5962-24: An Ordinance fixing the wages of certain City Officials, Fire Department Personnel, and other City Employees and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5963-24: An Ordinance to amend Sections 198.094, 198.10, and 198.72 of Chapter 198 of the codified ordinances of the City of Willard, Ohio regarding Municipal Income Tax, and Declaring an Emergency Resolution No. 2587-24: A Resolution authorizing to apply for, accept, and enter into a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) Agreement on behalf of the City of Willard for planning, design and/or construction of water facilities; and designating a dedicated repayment source for the loan for the US 224 Water Tower Rehabilitation and Coating Project Resolution No. 2588-24: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for the US 224 Water Tower Rehabilitation and Coating Project Resolution No. 2589-24: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for the 2024 Street Improvements Project December 2023- Resolution No. 2583-23: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for the purchase of materials, supplies, insurance, equipment, and services, for use by the City of Willard for the calendar year 2024. Resolution No. 2584-23: A Resolution declaring the intent of the City of Willard to sell property no longer needed for municipal purposes through an internet auction/sale for the calendar year 2024. Resolution No. 2585-23: A Resolution to rename Fund 817 from the Centennial Fund to Fund 817 Centennial/Sesquicentennial Fund. Resolution No. 2586-23: A Resolution to tentatively award the Water System Improvements Project to Mosser Construction, Inc. Ordinance No. 5956-23: An Ordinance authorizing the City of Willard to enter into an agreement with Daniel R. Thornton, P.E. (DBA Civil Engineering Solutions, LLC) for engineering services. Ordinance No. 5957-23: An Ordinance to allow for the transfers needed for the City of Willard, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. Ordinance No. 5958-23: An Ordinance to set the annual appropriations for current expenses and other expenses of the City of Willard, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. Ordinance No. 5959-23: An Ordinance amending Section 925.01(a) and Attachment A to Chapter 925 of the codified ordinances to provide for an increase in the water rates for 2024 and Declaring an Emergency. November 2023- Ordinance No. 5953-23: An Ordinance amending Section 923.08(G), Section 923.08(J), and Table B-2 of Attachment B to Chapter 923 of the codified ordinances to provide for an increase in the sewer rates Ordinance No. 5954-23: An Ordinance amending Section 925.01(A) and Attachment A to Chapter 925 of the codified ordinances to provide for an increase in the water rates , amending section 925.15 bulk sale of water and Section 925.17 water laboratory rates Resolution No. 2582-23: A Resolution to create a new Special Revenue Fund 608, Ohio Department of Development Grant, Ohio Builds ( Broadband, Utilities, and Infrastructure) Water System Improvements to account for the funds received and expenses associated with the grant awarded by the State of Ohio. October 2023- Resolution No. 2578-23: A Resolution in the matter of the approval of the Solid Waste Management Plan for the Huron County Solid Waste Management District Resolution No. 2579-23: A Resolution authorizing the release of a mortgage lien on 220 Woodbine Street, Willard, Ohio Resolution No. 2580-23: A Resolution to create a new special revenue fund 216, safety service tax fund, to account for the funds received and expenses associated with the one-half of one percent (1/2%) income tax for the payment of costs for hiring, continued employment, and training of personnel of the fire division and police division of the City of Willard, and the purchase of equipment for said divisions Resolution No. 2581-23: A Resolution to create the Southern Five Regional Sewer District Fund 815 to account for the revenue and expenses associated with the billing and collection of the regional sewer district fees Ordinance No. 5955-23: An Ordinance to increase the 2023 annual revenue and appropriations in the Southern Five Sewer District Fund 815 in the amount of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, and Declaring an Emergency September 2023- Ordinance No. 5951-23: An Ordinance to amend the 2023 Appropriations ordinance in the General Fund 101 in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to provide funding for unemployment compensation Ordinance No. 5952-23: An Ordinance to provide a transfer of funds from the General Fund 101 to the Ohio Violent Crime Reduction Fund 229 in the amount of fifty-five thousand six hundred fifty dollars ($55,650) and to amend the 2023 annual appropriations in the same amount in order to provide funds prior to receiving grant funds Resolution No. 2575-23: A Resolution to create a new special revenue Fund 259, Airport Self Service Fueling Station Resolution No. 2577-23: A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor August 2023- Resolution No. 2574-23: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for Water Treatment System Improvements Resolution No. 2576-23: A Resolution authorizing the City of Willard to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program(s) and to execute contracts required July 2023- Ordinance No. 5946-23: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with Rossman Enterprises, Inc. DBA Magnegrip to award Bid No. 2023-03 for the Source Capture Exhaust System, in the amount of $98,356.00 Ordinance No. 5948-23: An Ordinance to amend the 2023 annual appropriations in the general fund 101 in the amount of one hundred sixty-six thousand six hundred dollars ($166,600) to allow for additional interest transfers Ordinance No. 5949-23: An Ordinance to increase the 2023 annual revenue and appropriations in Fund 226 Dept of Health and Human Services in the amount of eighteen thousand four hundred eighty-three dollars ($18,483) for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 and declaring an emergency Ordinance No.5950-23: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into contracts and award the 2023 chemical bids with companies and the amounts listed below and declaring an emergency June 2023- Ordinance No. 5945-23: An Ordinance to increase appropriations in Fund 301 Income Tax Capital in the amount of one hundred forty thousand six hundred sixty-seven dollars and 67/100 ( $140,667.67) for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 Ordinance No. 5947-23: An Ordinance to amend the 2023 annual appropriations in Fund 301 Capital Improvements in the amount of forty-four thousand seven hundred fifty-five dollars ($44,755) and to amend the 2023 annual revenue in the amount of thirty-three thousand five hundred sixty-six dollars and 25/100 ($33,566.25) to utilize safety intervention grant funds and declaring an emergency Resolution No.2572-23: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager of the City of Willard to enter into a partnership agreement with the City of Norwalk and the Huron County, Ohio, as the grantee, to administer and implement the program year 2023 Community Housing Impact and Preservation Program Grant if funded by the Ohio Development Services Agency, Office of Community Development (OCD) Resolution No.2573-23: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for the chemicals for the Water and Wastewater Treatment May 2023- Ordinance No. 5942-23: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract with Precision Paving, Inc., Milan, Ohio, to award Bid No. 2023-02 for the 2023 Street Improvements Project, in the amount of $451,179.80 Resolution No. 2568-23: Authorizing the City Manager to submit an application with the Ohio Department of Transportation, Office of Aviation for grant funds at the Willard Airport -8G1 and authorizing the acceptance of the grant in the event the same is awarded to the City Ordinance No. 5943-23: An Ordinance to inappropriate funds in the amount of one hundred forty three thousand five hundred thirty seven dollars and 00/100 ($143,537) for the fiscal year ending December 31,2023 Ordinance No. 5944-23: An Ordinance to provide a transfer of funds from Fund 301 Income Tax Capital to Fund 285 Municipal Road Fund in the amount of one hundred forty thousand six hundred sixty-seven dollars and 00/100 (140,667.67) Resolution No. 2570-23: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for the Source Capture Exhaust System Resolution No. 2571-23: A Resolution determining emergency management service for the City of Willard April 2023- Ordinance No.5939-23: An Ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the codified ordinances ; providing for the adoption of new matter in the updated and revised codified ordinances; providing for publication of such matter; and repealing ordinances and resolutions in conflict therewith Ordinance No. 5940-23: An Ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the codified ordinances; providing for the adoption of new matter in the updated and revised codified ordinances; providing for the publication of such matter; and repealing ordinances and resolutions in conflict therewith Ordinance No. 5941-23: An Ordinance amending section 953.01(A) and (B) of the codified ordinances to change fees at the municipal swimming pool of the codified ordinances March 2023- Ordinance No. 5938-23: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with Buckeye Excavating and Construction, Inc. to award Bid No. 2023-01 for the US 224 Storm Sewer Replacement, in the amount of $136,419.00, and Declaring an Emergency Resolution No. 2567-23: A Resolution urging the Legislative Branches of the Federal Government as well as the State of Ohio to enact legislation to further protect the citizens of the City of Willard, Ohio from the inherent dangers of a train derailment on the tracks located in and near our city February 2023- Resolution No. 2561-23: A Resolution to authorize approving an amendment to the City of Willard, Huron County, electric aggregation plan of operation and governance Resolution No. 2562-23: A Resolution to authorize approving an amendment to the City of Willard, Huron County, natural gas aggregation plan of operation and governance Ordinance No. 5936-23: An Ordinance to amend the 2023 annual appropriations in fund 225, fund 228, and fund 301 for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 Resolution No. 2563-23: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for the Park Street Improvements Resolution No. 2564-23: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for the 2023 Street Improvements Resolution No. 2565-23: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract with the International Association of Firefighters Local 4468 Resolution No. 2566-23: Amend and/or restated resolution of the Council, City of Willard, Huron County regarding mandatory contributions to the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund for the City's eligible collective bargaining unit fire department personnel Ordinance No. 5937-23: An Ordinance fixing the wages of certain Fire/EMS personnel and Declaring an Emergency January 2023- Ordinance No. 5931-22: An Ordinance fixing the wages of certain City Officials, Fire Department Personnel, and other City Employees, and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5932-22: An Ordinance fixing the wages of certain City Department Heads, and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance 5933-22: An Ordinance fixing the wages of Recreation Department Employees Resolution No. 2559-23: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for the US 224 Storm Sewer Replacement Resolution No. 2560-23: A Resolution declaring the necessity of an election on the question of approving the passage on an ordinance to amend section 198.013 of the codified ordinances in order to provide for an additional one-half of one percent (1/2%) income tax for the payments of cost for the hiring, continued employment, and training of personnel of the fire division and police division of the City of Willard, and the purchase of equipment for said divisions, and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5934-23: An Ordinance to amend section 198.013 of the codified ordinances in order to provide for an additional one-half of one percent (1/2%) income tax for the payments of cost for the hiring, continued employment, and training of personnel of the fire division and police division of the City of Willard, and the purchase of equipment for said divisions, and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5935-23: An Ordinance authorizing the commencement of proceedings to create a Regional Sewer District pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Chapter 6119 and Declaring an Emergency December 2022- Ordinance No. 5928-22: To set the annual appropriations for current expenses and other expenses of the City of Willard, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 Ordinance No. 5929-22: To allow for transfers needed for the City of Willard, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31,2023 Ordinance No.5930-22: An Ordinance to increase revenue and appropriations to provide additional transfer of funds from the Income Tax Operation Fund 202 to the General Fund 101 in the amount of two hundred fifteen thousand dollars ($215,000.00) and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5934-22: An Ordinance to provide a transfer of funds from Creating Healthy Communities Fund 258 in the amount of seven thousand three hundred seventy four dollars and fifty five cents ($7374.55) to the General Fund 101 in order to repay funds received from a Reimbursing Grant and Declaring an Emergency Resolution No. 2557-22: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for purchase of materials, supplies, insurance, equipment and services, for use by the City of Willard for the calendar year 2023 Resolution No. 2558-22: A Resolution declaring the intent of the City of Willard to sell property no longer needed for municipal purposes through an internet auction/sale for the calendar year 2023 November 2022- Ordinance No. 5922-22: An Ordinance amending section 925.01 (a) and attachment A to Chapter 925 of the codified ordinances to provide for an increase in the water rates, amending Section 925.15 bulk sale and Section 925.17 water laboratory rates Ordinance No. 5923-22: An Ordinance amending Section 923.08 (g), Section 923.08 (j) and Table B-2 of attachment B to Chapter 923 of the codified ordinances to provide for an increase in the sewer rates Ordinance No. 5924-22: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with Driven Excavating, LLC. to award Bid No. 2022-03 for the Park Street Waterline Replacement Project, in the amount of $767,943.00, and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5927-22: An Ordinance to provide a transfer of funds from the Income Tax Capital Improvements Fund 301 to the Safety Grant Fund 261 in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) and to amend the 2022 annual revenue and appropriations in the same amount in order to provide funding for US 224 Sidewalk Project and Declaring an Emergency October 2022- Ordinance No. 5920-22: An Ordinance to appropriate from unappropriated funds in the Income Tax Operation Fund 202 in the amount of one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000.00) and to amend the 2022 annual appropriations in the same amount in order to provide funding for income tax refunds Ordinance No. 5921-22: An Ordinance to increase revenue and appropriations to provide additional transfer of funds to the Income Tax Operation Fund 202 to the General Fund 101 in the amount of four hundred eighty thousand dollars ($480,000.00) Ordinance No. 5925-22: An Ordinance to appropriate from unappropriated funds in the Wastewater Fund 604 in the amount of ninety-six thousand nine hundred seventy dollars ($96,970.00) and to amend the 2022 annual appropriations in the same amount in order to provide funding for unexpected repairs needed at the Wastewater Plant, and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5926-22: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with Rebuild-IT Services Group, LLC in order to rebuild the Wastewater Plant Clarifier #2 pursuant to ORC735.051, and Declaring an Emergency September 2022- Resolution No. 2556-22: A Resolution to tentatively award the Park Street Waterline Replacement Project to Driven Excavating, LLC August 2022- Ordinance No. 5919-22: To increase the 2022 Annual Appropriations in Fund 101 General, Fund 203 Street, Fund 603 Water, and Fund 604 Wastewater, and Declaring an Emergency Resolution No. 2548-22: A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for the US 224 Storm Sewer Replacement Resolution No. 2549-22: A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for Water System Improvements Resolution No. 2550-22: A Resolution Authorizing to Apply for, Accept, and Enter into a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) Agreement on Behalf of the City of Willard for Planning, Design, and/or Construction of Water Facilities; and Designating a Dedicated Repayment Source for the Loan Resolution No. 2551-22: A Resolution Authorizing to Apply for, Accept, and Enter into a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) Agreement on Behalf of the City of Willard for Planning, Design and/or Construction of Park Street Waterline Replacement; and Designating a Dedicated Repayment Source for the Loan Resolution No. 2552-22: A Resolution Authorizing the City of Willard to Prepare and Submit an Application to Participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program(s) and to Execute Contracts as required Resolution No.2553-22: A Resolution to Explore the Creation of a Regional Sewer District for the Collection of Sewage Disposal into the Wastewater Treatment Facility and to Hire a Consultant to Assist in the Formation of the District Resolution No.2554-22: A Resolution to Create a New Special Revenue Fund 229, Ohio Violent Crime Reduction Grant Fund, To Account for the Funds Received and Expenses Associated with the Grant awarded by the State of Ohio Resolution No.2555-22: A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor; Willard City Council Rev. Code, Sec. 5705.34,5705.35 December 2022-
Ordinance No. 5928-22: To set the annual appropriations for current expenses and other expenses of the City of Willard, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 Ordinance No. 5929-22: To allow for transfers needed for the City of Willard, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31,2023 Ordinance No.5930-22: An Ordinance to increase revenue and appropriations to provide additional transfer of funds from the Income Tax Operation Fund 202 to the General Fund 101 in the amount of two hundred fifteen thousand dollars ($215,000.00) and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5934-22: An Ordinance to provide a transfer of funds from Creating Healthy Communities Fund 258 in the amount of seven thousand three hundred seventy four dollars and fifty five cents ($7374.55) to the General Fund 101 in order to repay funds received from a Reimbursing Grant and Declaring an Emergency Resolution No. 2557-22: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for purchase of materials, supplies, insurance, equipment and services, for use by the City of Willard for the calendar year 2023 Resolution No. 2558-22: A Resolution declaring the intent of the City of Willard to sell property no longer needed for municipal purposes through an internet auction/sale for the calendar year 2023 November 2022- Ordinance No. 5922-22: An Ordinance amending section 925.01 (a) and attachment A to Chapter 925 of the codified ordinances to provide for an increase in the water rates, amending Section 925.15 bulk sale and Section 925.17 water laboratory rates Ordinance No. 5923-22: An Ordinance amending Section 923.08 (g), Section 923.08 (j) and Table B-2 of attachment B to Chapter 923 of the codified ordinances to provide for an increase in the sewer rates Ordinance No. 5924-22: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with Driven Excavating, LLC. to award Bid No. 2022-03 for the Park Street Waterline Replacement Project, in the amount of $767,943.00, and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5927-22: An Ordinance to provide a transfer of funds from the Income Tax Capital Improvements Fund 301 to the Safety Grant Fund 261 in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) and to amend the 2022 annual revenue and appropriations in the same amount in order to provide funding for US 224 Sidewalk Project and Declaring an Emergency October 2022- Ordinance No. 5920-22: An Ordinance to appropriate from unappropriated funds in the Income Tax Operation Fund 202 in the amount of one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000.00) and to amend the 2022 annual appropriations in the same amount in order to provide funding for income tax refunds Ordinance No. 5921-22: An Ordinance to increase revenue and appropriations to provide additional transfer of funds to the Income Tax Operation Fund 202 to the General Fund 101 in the amount of four hundred eighty thousand dollars ($480,000.00) Ordinance No. 5925-22: An Ordinance to appropriate from unappropriated funds in the Wastewater Fund 604 in the amount of ninety-six thousand nine hundred seventy dollars ($96,970.00) and to amend the 2022 annual appropriations in the same amount in order to provide funding for unexpected repairs needed at the Wastewater Plant, and Declaring an Emergency Ordinance No. 5926-22: An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with Rebuild-IT Services Group, LLC in order to rebuild the Wastewater Plant Clarifier #2 pursuant to ORC735.051, and Declaring an Emergency September 2022- Resolution No. 2556-22: A Resolution to tentatively award the Park Street Waterline Replacement Project to Driven Excavating, LLC August 2022- Ordinance No. 5919-22: To increase the 2022 Annual Appropriations in Fund 101 General, Fund 203 Street, Fund 603 Water, and Fund 604 Wastewater, and Declaring an Emergency Resolution No. 2548-22: A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for the US 224 Storm Sewer Replacement Resolution No. 2549-22: A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager, City of Willard, Ohio, to advertise for bids for Water System Improvements Resolution No. 2550-22: A Resolution Authorizing to Apply for, Accept, and Enter into a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) Agreement on Behalf of the City of Willard for Planning, Design, and/or Construction of Water Facilities; and Designating a Dedicated Repayment Source for the Loan Resolution No. 2551-22: A Resolution Authorizing to Apply for, Accept, and Enter into a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) Agreement on Behalf of the City of Willard for Planning, Design and/or Construction of Park Street Waterline Replacement; and Designating a Dedicated Repayment Source for the Loan Resolution No. 2552-22: A Resolution Authorizing the City of Willard to Prepare and Submit an Application to Participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program(s) and to Execute Contracts as required Resolution No.2553-22: A Resolution to Explore the Creation of a Regional Sewer District for the Collection of Sewage Disposal into the Wastewater Treatment Facility and to Hire a Consultant to Assist in the Formation of the District Resolution No.2554-22: A Resolution to Create a New Special Revenue Fund 229, Ohio Violent Crime Reduction Grant Fund, To Account for the Funds Received and Expenses Associated with the Grant awarded by the State of Ohio Resolution No.2555-22: A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor; Willard City Council Rev. Code, Sec. 5705.34,5705.35 |
September 3, 2024 Council September 3, 2024 Work Session August 19,2024 July 15,2024 July 1, 2024 June 17,2024 June 3, 2024 Council and Special meeting May 20, 2024 May 6, 2024 April 15,2024 April 1, 2024 March 18, 2024 March 6,2024 March 4,2024 February 20, 2024 February 5, 2024 January 16, 2024 January 2.2024 2023 December 18, 2023 December 4, 2023 November 20, 2023 Council & Special Meeting November 6, 2023 October 16, 2023 October 2, 2023 September 18, 2023 Council and Special Meeting September 5, 2023 August 21, 2023 August 7, 2023 July 17, 2023 July 3, 2023 June 19, 2023 June 5, 2023 May 15, 2023 May 1, 2023 April 17, 2023 April 3, 2023 March 20, 2023 March 6, 2023 February 21, 2023 February 6, 2023 January 18, 2023 ( Sewer District Meeting) January 17,2023 January 3, 2023 |